Tag "Environment"

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Climate Change Vulnerability Index System

To handle climate changes and reduce the loss of lives and properties, Taiwan government establishes a SuperGIS-powered platform, to provide latest information to support decision making. To address climate changes

Business GIS

Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Select SuperGIS for Geospatial Applications

The Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy (aka, UNIVPM) selects SuperGIS Desktop to build a professional teaching laboratory of engineering, environment observation and agriculture, to train outstanding geographic information personnel. Ranking


Environment Ministry Launches GIS Based Online Support Mechanism

    Aimed at bringing transparency and reduce delays in regulatory clearances, the environment ministry today launched the Geographical Information System (GIS) based online support mechanism to help in taking

Remote Sensing

Satellite Data Not Enough To Predict Melting Ice Caps

New research from a team of European scientists has found there is not enough satellite data to determine the rate of polar ice cap melt very far into the future and