A Look Into The Growing Prevalence of Semi-Truck Accidents

A Look Into The Growing Prevalence of Semi-Truck Accidents

Accidents involving large vehicles undeniably have devastating effects on both life and property. Due to the sheer size and weight of these vehicles, their collision leads to catastrophic outcomes.

In these accidents, homes and businesses are severely damaged, with lives being tragically lost. Among the most significant contributors to these incidents are semi-trucks, which have become increasingly prevalent on our roads.

Forbes Advisor notes that among all truck types, semi-trailer trucks are most likely to be involved in deadly road crashes. Over 53% of all large vehicle collision cases involve these trucks.

Today, we’re here to uncover some tragic cases of semi-truck accidents that highlight a deeper issue. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Innocent Lives Lost

The true tragedy of semi-truck accidents lies in the innocent lives they claim. Each year, countless families are forever changed by these devastating incidents. One such heartbreaking event occurred on March 11, 2024, in Rushville, Illinois.

On that unfortunate morning, a school bus collided with a semi-truck at the intersection of U.S. Highway 24 and Parkview Road. The bus, for reasons still unknown, veered into the path of the oncoming truck. UPI reported that the resulting collision and subsequent fire claimed the lives of five people, including three young children.

The adult victims of the accident were identified as David Coufal, 72, of Browning, the bus driver, and Angela Spiker, 57, the truck driver. All three children who lost their lives were from Rushville—Maria Miller, 5, her brother Andrew Miller, 3, and Noah Driscoll, 3. The small community of Rushville, known for its close-knit atmosphere, was left in mourning.

Local authorities and officials expressed their grief. The Schuyler-Industry School District canceled classes for two days, allowing students, staff, and families time to process the tragedy and support one another.

Which States Have the Most Semi-truck Accidents?

In the USA, Texas stands out as the most dangerous state for truck accidents of all kinds, including those involving semi-trucks. According to Forbes Advisor, 568 truck crashes were recorded in 2020. Other states with the most semi-truck accidents include California, Florida, Georgia, and Illinois.

Road Closures Impacting Daily Commutes

When semi-truck accidents occur, they often lead to significant disruptions, affecting the daily commutes of thousands. One recent incident took place in downtown St. Louis last month, illustrating the chaos these accidents can cause.

On the morning of July 18, a semi-truck overturned on the ramp connecting the downtown area to the Bi-State Bridge. It appeared to be a two-vehicle crash, although the second party was nowhere to be seen, First Alert 4 reported.

The crash, which happened around 6:30 a.m., resulted in a complete closure of the ramp for the day. Because it was a critical artery for commuters traveling between Missouri and Illinois, its closure affected traffic delays throughout the city.

Such accidents are common in St. Louis, often involving a second party that suffers faultlessly at the hands of the semi-truck.

This is because the highways of the city are filled with semi-trucks, as TorHoerman Law notes. Drivers who are at a loss of how to navigate through such experiences should educate themselves about personal injury lawsuits.

When caught in a truck accident, they can sue the truck driver to receive compensation for any damage they incur. Those who can’t find answers online can also get in-person assistance from a St. Louis truck accident lawyer.

Drivers Distracted by the Internet

The pervasive presence of the internet has introduced a new hazard on the roads: drivers distracted by their devices. One recent accident in Minnesota serves as an ideal example.

On  April 30, 2024, a truck driver named Thomas Granger, 38, from Des Moines, Iowa, was traveling on Interstate 35 near Ames. Distracted by streaming a show on Netflix, Granger failed to notice the traffic slowing ahead. Due to that, his truck plowed into a line of cars, causing a multi-vehicle pileup.

The crash claimed two lives – Jessica Williams, 34, a mother of two, and Mark Thompson, 29, a recent college graduate. Several others were injured and taken to the local hospital.

The accident scene was a harrowing sight, with crushed vehicles and debris strewn across the highway. Authorities charged Granger with vehicular manslaughter, USA Today reported.

This tragic event is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by drivers who allow the internet to divert their attention from the road.

Who is Most at Risk of Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is an issue that extends beyond truck drivers, affecting all motorists at large. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that drivers between 15-20 years are observed to be more distracted while behind the wheel. It also highlights the broader issue of dangerous teen driving.

The Perils of Jackknifing Accidents

​​Among semi-truck accidents, jackknifing accidents are particularly perilous, often resulting in severe injuries, fatalities, and extensive traffic disruptions. A tragic example of such an incident took place in April in Mulberry, Florida.

On April 19, Johny Sanabria, 40, was driving on State Road 37 when a tractor-trailer in front of him suddenly jackknifed. The truck, driven by Albert Benitez, encountered a slick spot on the road due to recent rain. As Turner tried to navigate the turn, the trailer swung out to a sharp angle, blocking both lanes of traffic.

Unable to stop in time, Sanabria collided with the jackknifed trailer. Despite the quick response of emergency services, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

What Is the Most Common Factor for Jackknifing and Skidding?

The most common factor responsible for semi-trucks skidding and jackknifing on roads is improper braking. Because these vehicles are significantly larger than regular cars, they need a much longer stopping distance before they can come to a halt safely. This is particularly true in the case of fully loaded semi-trucks.

Semi-truck accidents are a grim reality that affects countless lives every year. From innocent lives lost to the dangers of jackknifing, these accidents highlight the urgent need for increased safety measures.

As we continue to rely heavily on truck transport, we must push for better safety practices to help prevent such devastating incidents.

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