Free GIS Data

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The page has categorise and organize collection/list of various GIS data and Remote Sensing data sources. These datasets are collected from various sources around the globe. You can enjoy the data in vector file formats (.shp, .dgn. etc.) and raster file (DEM, DTM, satellite imageries in .tif or .img formats). These data GIS data and remote sensing data sources covers almost all possible domain of GIS and remote sensing applications. They are compressively collected and organized for very country (best possible). 

Now the power to  visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends is now in your hands. 

Note: Did not suggest data accuracy or correctness. Data may be inaccurate or wrong.

Most of data was compiled by Robin Wilson, a PhD student at the University of Southampton. 


  1. Vineesha Singh
    Vineesha Singh 13 May, 2020, 14:07

    I m working with GIS software.I required GIS data.

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  2. Roberto Corona
    Roberto Corona 12 March, 2025, 14:42

    Thanks for the information, it is very useful. I think it would also be important to add resources related to Cadastral GIS, since for some countries like Spain, they are the cornerstone for which the legislation is supported to geometrically define the properties of people, relative to both rural and urban areas.

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