Tag "Ghana"

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GIS Data Hub Established in Cape Coast: Ghana

According to the recent news reported by the Ghana Business News, a Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Hub has been created for the Department of Town and Country Planning in Cape


Ghana: Education Ministry Launches School Mapping Portal

The School Mapping and Monitoring system, a programme under the Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP), has been launched under the host name www.ghanaschoolsinfo.org. Speaking at the launch, the Minister for


Diploma in Geoinformatics from the University of Twente

The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) delivers international postgraduate education, research and project services in the field of geo-information science and Earth observation using remote sensing and


Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS), Ghana Launches Centre for Geospatial Intelligence Services

The Institute of Local Government Studies, which aims at building capacity for local governance, has launched the Centre for Geospatial Intelligence Services (CGIS) and the Local Governance Observatory (LGO). Centre for