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Remote Sensing

Chandrayaan 3 – Exploring the Moon’s Surface

Chandrayaan-3, India’s eagerly awaited lunar exploration mission, achieved a resounding success as it embarked on its journey to the Moon and flawlessly executed the landing of its lander named Vikram

Business Conferences

Thrilled to Announce We Partnered with DroneX Tradeshow & Conference

We are thrilled to announce we are partnered with DroneX Tradeshow & Conference this year! Make sure to mark your calendars on the 26th & 27th of September and get


Cold Climate Preparedness: How Insulated Shelters Enhance Remote Operations

Insulated shelters, particularly tailored for extreme environments, have become the unsung heroes of remote operations worldwide. Whether providing a haven for researchers in the Arctic or safeguarding equipment in desert

Featured Article

A Case for Geospatial Development Program (GEO-DP)

The Geospatial Development Program (GEO-DP) is an Engineer Regiment Program that leverages senior lieutenants/junior captains to provide additional officers to geospatial units while developing the officers’ geospatial skills, thereby increasing

Remote Sensing

Fathom Revolutionizes Flood Risk Intelligence With New US Flood Map

Global flood risk intelligence firm Fathom unveils the most complete and technologically advanced flood map for the US Fathom, a global leader in water risk intelligence, has released a new